Workplace Discrimination & Harassment Policy




By effectively implementing our Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Policy we will attract and retain talented staff and create a positive environment for staff.


To provide a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

HSCMG is committed to providing a safe, flexible and respectful environment for staff and clients free from all forms of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

All HSCMG staff are required to treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect.


This policy applies to:

  • all staff, including: Directors, managers and supervisors; full-time, part-time or casual, temporary or permanent staff; job candidates; student placements, apprentices, contractors, sub-contractors and volunteers 
  • how HSCMG provides services to clients and how it interacts with other members of the public
  • all aspects of employment, recruitment and selection, conditions and benefits, training and promotion. task allocation, shifts, hours, leave arrangements, workload, equipment and transport
  • on-site, off-site or after-hours work, work-related social functions, conferences; wherever and whenever staff may be as a result of their HSCMG duties 
  • staff treatment of other staff, of clients, and of other members of the public encountered in the course of their HSCMG duties. 


All staff are entitled to:

  • recruitment and selection decisions based on merit and not affected by irrelevant personal characteristics
  • work free from discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment
  • the right to raise issues or to make an enquiry or complaint in a reasonable and respectful manner without being victimized
  • reasonable flexibility in working arrangements, especially where needed to accommodate their family responsibilities, disability, religious beliefs or culture.

All staff must:

  • follow the standards of behavior outlined in this policy
  • offer support to people who experience discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment, including providing information about how to make a complaint
  • avoid gossip and respect the confidentiality of complaint resolution procedures
  • treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect.


Unacceptable workplace conduct

Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are unacceptable at HSCMG and are unlawful under the following legislation:

Decent Work Act, 2015

§ 2.4 Equal Protection.

Staff (including managers) found to have engaged in such conduct might be counseled, warned or disciplined. Severe or repeated breaches can lead to formal discipline up to and including dismissal.


Discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavorably because of a personal characteristic protected by the law, such as sex, age, race or disability.

Discrimination can occur:

Directly, when a person or group is treated less favorably than another person or group in a similar situation because of a personal characteristic protected by law (see list below).

For example, a worker is harassed and humiliated because of their race or

A worker is refused promotion because they are ‘too old’

Indirectly, when an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice is imposed that has, or is likely to have, the effect of disadvantaging people with a personal characteristic protected by law (see list below).

For example, redundancy is decided based on people who have had a worker’s compensation claim rather than on merit.

The full policy can be obtain from the HR office at HSCMG

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